Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The war in Iraq...more or less troops?

I read a critique written by my classmate Ana on the war in Iraq. She said that Obama wants to send 40,000 more troops over to sustain the war. I think that she was very passionate about what she wrote and that is what made it a good commentary but I do not agree with her opinion. She has some good points but other than people are dying I do not think she truly understands that we can not just pull out the troops and everything goes back to normal. If we pulled out all of our troops now, we leave Iraq to go back to exactly the way it was. A place where women have no say and the punishment for stealing is cutting of the thieves hands. We have already gotten ourselves into this mess it is to late to just walk away, we have to at least help clean up the mess and get Iraq back on its feet. I completely agree that war should always be our last resort but when this war was first talked about the whole nation agreed and supported it. But now that it has been going on so long people have started to change their minds. The deaths are tragic and people are dying everyday but backing out now would mean those deaths were for nothing. I personally have family over in Iraq and I can not wait for them to come back but they are over there for a reason. To protect our country and to finish what we have already started.

Thank you Ana for writing an awesome blog on the Iraq war. It was very enjoyable and I like how you put your true opinions down, I can tell.

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