Monday, October 12, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize

I read, in an article written by David of the crooks and liars blog that President Barrack Obama was chosen to win the Nobel Peace Prize. On Fox news Liz Cheney said that the peace prize should be dedicated to U.S soldiers and that in order for this peace prize to be legit a mother of a fallen American soldier should go and accept this prize on behalf of the U.S military.

David intended to write this to show people the falseness in Obama accepting this prize. Although I know nothing about David as a credible writer his information is completely credible because it comes from politicians debating what Obama should have done with the Peace prize but all in all it is just one mans opinion.

Their argument is that Obama does not deserve this Prize and I completely agree. The men in charge of awarding this prize are against Americanism and they gave Obama this prize because they think he is changing the American way. Bill Kristol disagrees with the Nobel committee. He responded to the award with sarcasm. "It's hard for me to be objective about this because I'm so disappointed personally. I was up early Friday morning. I thought the phone might ring, you know. Pundits for peace. I deserve it pretty much. President Obama and I have done about the same amount to bring about world peace, I think," said Kristol.

They also argue that each one of Nobel committee members sleeps soundly at night because the U.S. armed forces, because the U.S. military is the greatest peacekeeping force in the world today. The politicians want Obama to not except this prize, but because that is not going to happen they want him to go and make a good example of Americans and to speak well of the American army.

I agree completely with the ideals of these liberal politicians, why does Obama deserve the Peace Prize? What has he done differently than others? I want Obama to go make a speech defending the American way and bring along with him a mother of a fallen soldier to make the point clear, we are still in a war!

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